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El Parc Taulí lliura les Beques Taulí 2019 amb 28 projectes guardonats i una dotació global de 130.000 euros
El Parc Taulí lliura les Beques Taulí 2019 amb 28 projectes guardonats i una dotació global de 130.000 euros 1080 608 Roger Sales

L’Auditori Taulí ha acollit avui l’acte de lliurament de les Beques Taulí, que anualment atorga la Fundació Parc Taulí (FPT), amb la finalitat de promoure el desenvolupament de projectes de recerca dels professionals de la Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí.

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Promising kick-off of the collaboration between Taulí and ESDi
Promising kick-off of the collaboration between Taulí and ESDi 1080 591 Anna Ullastres

In the light of the recent collaboration agreement between Parc Taulí and Escola Superior de Disseny de Sabadell (ESDI), we visited yesterday the center to meet with the students.

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New synergies between Synchrotron ALBA and Parc Taulí
New synergies between Synchrotron ALBA and Parc Taulí 1080 810 Esperanza Mancebo

Thanks to Dr. Ibeas’ initiative (I3PT Researcher), last 3rd October the Synchrotron ALBA opened its doors to the Innovation Unit of Parc Taulí (UDIPT) guided by Dr. Ibraheem Yousef and Imma Martinez (Scientist Responsible and postdoc of the beamline BL01-MIRAS).

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The effectiveness of Tricine as an adjuvant of cisplatin in the treatment of cutaneous squamous carcinoma is demonstrated using Synchrotron technology
The effectiveness of Tricine as an adjuvant of cisplatin in the treatment of cutaneous squamous carcinoma is demonstrated using Synchrotron technology 1080 810 Esperanza Mancebo

Dr. Silvia Gil, active member of the cancer research group of I3PT Parc Tauli, has performed in collaboration with researchers at the ALBA Synchrotron Facility a study titled “Multiparametric analysis of the cisplatin effectiveness on cutaneous squamous carcinoma cells by using two different types of adjuvants”.

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Parc Taulí present Virtual Reality initiatives in Jornades R+D+I organised by TIC Salut Social
Parc Taulí present Virtual Reality initiatives in Jornades R+D+I organised by TIC Salut Social 985 1024 Anna Ullastres

Last Wednesday 23th, we attended the Jornades R+D+I TIC Salut Social on Virtual Reality (VR) (take a look at the programme). Guillem Navarra, neuropsychologist researcher, and Lídia Martí, ICU nurse, were invited to present their projects using VR to improve both patient experience and recover:

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Anais Medical and Nephrocloud have been presented to GEMAV, the 1st Spanish Congress on Vascular Access
Anais Medical and Nephrocloud have been presented to GEMAV, the 1st Spanish Congress on Vascular Access 1024 683 Xavier Gallego

Two innovative projects from Parc Taulí Hospital (ANAIS medical, and Nephrocloud) have been presented to the 1st Spanish congress on vascular access (GEMAV) held in Barcelona on 14-16 November 2019. Dr. Jose Ibeas, senior consultant in nephrology, vicepresident of the GEMAV, and member of the organizing committee, is leading both projects in collaboration with the industry for their development and commercialization.

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