Vigilància tecnològica

Tendències globals en teràpies avançades

Article propi

Tendències globals en teràpies avançades
Tendències globals en teràpies avançades 1080 608 Júlia Haro

Les teràpies avançades són medicaments d’ús humà basats en gens, cèl·lules i teixits, o combinacions d’aquests, i tenen l’objectiu d’oferir tractaments personalitzats restaurant, millorant o substituint les funcions danyades o malaltes del cos, i poder, així, prevenir o tractar malalties que fins ara no tenen un tractament eficaç conegut.

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Global Medical Imaging Market Analysis

Article propi

Imatge mèdica: Present i futur
Imatge mèdica: Present i futur 1080 608 Pau Esteve

La imatge mèdica busca revelar les estructures internes ocultes per la pell i els ossos per a diagnosticar i tractar les malalties.

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Ciberseguretat en l’àmbit sanitari

Articles propis

Cybersecurity in Healthcare: vulnerabilities, trends and challenges
Cybersecurity in Healthcare: vulnerabilities, trends and challenges 1080 564 Maria Garrido

Over the last years, hospitals and health systems have increasingly embraced digital technologies, such as cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), remote monitoring, and more, to offer the best patient care. However, as more digital technologies are adopted, the risk of cyberattack potentially increases.

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Digital Therapeutics

Articles propis

Global Trends in Digital Therapeutics
Global Trends in Digital Therapeutics 1080 626 Ismael Ávila

DTx is here to stay, and many institutions like hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are increasing their interest for DTx, where there is a special use in chronic and behavioral disorders. But, nowadays it is tough to separate unproven or low-value applications from those with proven therapeutic value. Evidence on safety and efficacy are difficult to obtain what represent big barriers to access the market, but many opportunities are just around the corner. Enjoy the read of this brief Digital Therapeutic report!

Simulació Quirúrgica i Intervencionista

Articles propis

Global R+D trends in Surgical & Intervencionsim Simulation
Global R+D trends in Surgical & Intervencionsim Simulation 1024 684 Edu Soler

Most aspects of medicine have historically been learned in an apprenticeship model by means of observation, imitation, and instruction. This paradigm is rapidly changing towards the adoption of medical simulation. This is due to the irruption of more technology in surgeries and due to law maturation in the field. The following report captures the most…

Cirurgia mínimament invasiva i laparoscòpia

Articles propis

Global R+D trends in Surgical Robotics
Global R+D trends in Surgical Robotics 800 600 Edu Soler

Something is changing in the surgery market. Surgical robots are further more than the Da Vinci System. Two key trends are driving the new  surgical era: 1) New companies entrance, 2) Increase in the number of indications and procedures. This report focuses on most relevant robotic surgical systems in the market as well their entry…

Impressió 3D

Articles propis

Global R&D Trends in 3D Printing
Global R&D Trends in 3D Printing 640 336 Edu Soler

3D printing (3DP) is a relatively new, rapidly expanding method of manufacturing that found numerous applications in healthcare. Today, it is rapidly expanding: almost every week new printers and printing materials offering novel possibilities as well as new exciting applications appear.

Resistència a antibiòtics

Articles propis

Global R&D trends in Antimicrobial Resistance
Global R&D trends in Antimicrobial Resistance 960 528 Joaquim Campoy Rubio

Antimicrobial Resistance: A threat to global public health Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is described as the ability of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites to react against antimicrobial drugs, commonly through mutation, in order to render these ineffective –microbes are not inhibited and thereby they keep on multiplying and spreading.


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Opportunities of Research and Innovation in Sepsis
Opportunities of Research and Innovation in Sepsis 798 793 Anna Ullastres

Abstract Sepsis is a life-threatening condition arising from an infection, mostly caused by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Sepsis can potentially lead to multiple organ failure and death, especially in young children, elderly people, or people with impaired immune systems.


Articles propis

Wearable Devices in Health: Are We Ready?
Wearable Devices in Health: Are We Ready? 300 230 Anna Ullastres

Wearable Health Devices (WHDs) were born in the 1990s as an innovative technology to monitor human vital signs, and they are still an emerging technology today.

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